// EclipseCrossword (C) Copyright 2000-2007 Green Eclipse. // www.eclipsecrossword.com var BadChars = "`~!@^*()_={[}]\|:;\"',<.>/?"; var TableAcrossWord, TableDownWord; var CurrentWord, PrevWordHorizontal, x, y, i, j; var CrosswordFinished, Initialized; // Check the user's browser and then initialize the puzzle. if (document.getElementById("waitmessage") != null) { document.getElementById("waitmessage").innerHTML = "Please wait while the crossword is loaded..."; // Current game variables CurrentWord = -1; PrevWordHorizontal = false; // Create the cell-to-word arrays. TableAcrossWord = new Array(CrosswordWidth); for (var x = 0; x < CrosswordWidth; x++) TableAcrossWord[x] = new Array(CrosswordHeight); TableDownWord = new Array(CrosswordWidth); for (var x = 0; x < CrosswordWidth; x++) TableDownWord[x] = new Array(CrosswordHeight); for (var y = 0; y < CrosswordHeight; y++) for (var x = 0; x < CrosswordWidth; x++) { TableAcrossWord[x][y] = -1; TableDownWord[x][y] = -1; } // First, add the horizontal words to the puzzle. for (var i = 0; i <= LastHorizontalWord; i++) { x = WordX[i]; y = WordY[i]; for (var j = 0; j < WordLength[i]; j++) { TableAcrossWord[x + j][y] = i; } } // Second, add the vertical words to the puzzle. for (var i = LastHorizontalWord + 1; i < Words; i++) { x = WordX[i]; y = WordY[i]; for (var j = 0; j < WordLength[i]; j++) { TableDownWord[x][y + j] = i; } } // Now, insert the row HTML into the table. for (var y = 0; y < CrosswordHeight; y++) { document.writeln(""); for (var x = 0; x < CrosswordWidth; x++) { if (TableAcrossWord[x][y] >= 0 || TableDownWord[x][y] >= 0) document.write(" "); else document.write(""); } document.writeln(""); } // Finally, show the crossword and hide the wait message. Initialized = true; document.getElementById("waitmessage").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("crossword").style.display = "block"; } // ---------- // Event handlers // Raised when a key is pressed in the word entry box. function WordEntryKeyPress(event) { if (CrosswordFinished) return; // Treat an Enter keypress as an OK click. if (CurrentWord >= 0 && event.keyCode == 13) OKClick(); } // ---------- // Helper functions // Called when we're ready to start the crossword. function BeginCrossword() { if (Initialized) { document.getElementById("welcomemessage").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("checkbutton").style.display = ""; } } // Returns true if the string passed in contains any characters prone to evil. function ContainsBadChars(theirWord) { for (var i = 0; i < theirWord.length; i++) if (BadChars.indexOf(theirWord.charAt(i)) >= 0) return true; return false; } // Pads a number out to three characters. function PadNumber(number) { if (number < 10) return "00" + number; else if (number < 100) return "0" + number; else return "" + number; } // Returns the table cell at a particular pair of coordinates. function CellAt(x, y) { return document.getElementById("c" + PadNumber(x) + PadNumber(y)); } // Deselects the current word, if there's a word selected. DOES not change the value of CurrentWord. function DeselectCurrentWord() { if (CurrentWord < 0) return; var x, y, i; document.getElementById("answerbox").style.display = "none"; ChangeCurrentWordSelectedStyle(false); CurrentWord = -1; } // Changes the style of the cells in the current word. function ChangeWordStyle(WordNumber, NewStyle) { if (WordNumber< 0) return; var x = WordX[WordNumber]; var y = WordY[WordNumber]; if (WordNumber<= LastHorizontalWord) for (i = 0; i < WordLength[WordNumber]; i++) CellAt(x + i, y).className = NewStyle; else for (i = 0; i < WordLength[WordNumber]; i++) CellAt(x, y + i).className = NewStyle; } // Changes the style of the cells in the current word between the selected/unselected form. function ChangeCurrentWordSelectedStyle(IsSelected) { if (CurrentWord < 0) return; var x = WordX[CurrentWord]; var y = WordY[CurrentWord]; if (CurrentWord <= LastHorizontalWord) for (i = 0; i < WordLength[CurrentWord]; i++) CellAt(x + i, y).className = CellAt(x + i, y).className.replace(IsSelected ? "_unsel" : "_sel", IsSelected ? "_sel" : "_unsel"); else for (i = 0; i < WordLength[CurrentWord]; i++) CellAt(x, y + i).className = CellAt(x, y + i).className.replace(IsSelected ? "_unsel" : "_sel", IsSelected ? "_sel" : "_unsel"); } // Selects the new word by parsing the name of the TD element referenced by the // event object, and then applying styles as necessary. function SelectThisWord(event) { if (CrosswordFinished) return; var x, y, i, TheirWord, TableCell; // Deselect the previous word if one was selected. document.getElementById("welcomemessage").style.display = "none"; if (CurrentWord >= 0) OKClick(); DeselectCurrentWord(); // Determine the coordinates of the cell they clicked, and then the word that // they clicked. var target = (event.srcElement ? event.srcElement: event.target); x = parseInt(target.id.substring(1, 4), 10); y = parseInt(target.id.substring(4, 7), 10); // If they clicked an intersection, choose the type of word that was NOT selected last time. if (TableAcrossWord[x][y] >= 0 && TableDownWord[x][y] >= 0) CurrentWord = PrevWordHorizontal ? TableDownWord[x][y] : TableAcrossWord[x][y]; else if (TableAcrossWord[x][y] >= 0) CurrentWord = TableAcrossWord[x][y]; else if (TableDownWord[x][y] >= 0) CurrentWord = TableDownWord[x][y]; PrevWordHorizontal = (CurrentWord <= LastHorizontalWord); // Now, change the style of the cells in this word. ChangeCurrentWordSelectedStyle(true); // Then, prepare the answer box. x = WordX[CurrentWord]; y = WordY[CurrentWord]; TheirWord = ""; var TheirWordLength = 0; for (i = 0; i < WordLength[CurrentWord]; i++) { // Find the appropriate table cell. if (CurrentWord <= LastHorizontalWord) TableCell = CellAt(x + i, y); else TableCell = CellAt(x, y + i); // Add its contents to the word we're building. if (TableCell.innerHTML != null && TableCell.innerHTML.length > 0 && TableCell.innerHTML != " " && TableCell.innerHTML.toLowerCase() != " ") { TheirWord += TableCell.innerHTML.toUpperCase(); TheirWordLength++; } else { TheirWord += "•"; } } document.getElementById("wordlabel").innerHTML = TheirWord; document.getElementById("wordinfo").innerHTML = ((CurrentWord <= LastHorizontalWord) ? "По горизонтали, " : "По вертикали, ") + WordLength[CurrentWord] + " букв(-ы)."; document.getElementById("wordclue").innerHTML = Clue[CurrentWord]; document.getElementById("worderror").style.display = "none"; if (TheirWordLength == WordLength[CurrentWord]) document.getElementById("wordentry").value = TheirWord; else document.getElementById("wordentry").value = ""; // Finally, show the answer box. document.getElementById("answerbox").style.display = "block"; try { document.getElementById("wordentry").focus(); document.getElementById("wordentry").select(); } catch (e) { } } // Called when the user clicks the OK link. function OKClick() { var TheirWord, x, y, i, TableCell; if (CrosswordFinished) return; if (document.getElementById("okbutton").disabled) return; // First, validate the entry. TheirWord = document.getElementById("wordentry").value.toUpperCase(); if (TheirWord.length == 0) { DeselectCurrentWord(); return; } if (ContainsBadChars(TheirWord)) { document.getElementById("worderror").innerHTML = "Только буквы!."; document.getElementById("worderror").style.display = "block"; return; } if (TheirWord.length < WordLength[CurrentWord]) { document.getElementById("worderror").innerHTML = "Мало букв. Слово состоит из " + WordLength[CurrentWord] + " букв(-ы)."; document.getElementById("worderror").style.display = "block"; return; } if (TheirWord.length > WordLength[CurrentWord]) { document.getElementById("worderror").innerHTML = "Много букв. Слово состоит из " + WordLength[CurrentWord] + " букв(-ы)."; document.getElementById("worderror").style.display = "block"; return; } // If we made it this far, they typed an acceptable word, so add these letters to the puzzle and hide the entry box. x = WordX[CurrentWord]; y = WordY[CurrentWord]; for (i = 0; i < TheirWord.length; i++) { TableCell = CellAt(x + (CurrentWord <= LastHorizontalWord ? i : 0), y + (CurrentWord > LastHorizontalWord ? i : 0)); TableCell.innerHTML = TheirWord.substring(i, i + 1); } DeselectCurrentWord(); } // Called when the "check puzzle" link is clicked. function CheckClick() { var i, j, x, y, UserEntry, ErrorsFound = 0, EmptyFound = 0, TableCell; if (CrosswordFinished) return; DeselectCurrentWord(); for (y = 0; y < CrosswordHeight; y++) for (x = 0; x < CrosswordWidth; x++) if (TableAcrossWord[x][y] >= 0 || TableDownWord[x][y] >= 0) { TableCell = CellAt(x, y); if (TableCell.className == "ecw-box ecw-boxerror_unsel") TableCell.className = "ecw-box ecw-boxnormal_unsel"; } for (i = 0; i < Words; i++) { // Get the user's entry for this word. UserEntry = ""; for (j = 0; j < WordLength[i]; j++) { if (i <= LastHorizontalWord) TableCell = CellAt(WordX[i] + j, WordY[i]); else TableCell = CellAt(WordX[i], WordY[i] + j); if (TableCell.innerHTML.length > 0 && TableCell.innerHTML.toLowerCase() != " ") { UserEntry += TableCell.innerHTML.toUpperCase(); } else { UserEntry = ""; EmptyFound++; break; } } // If this word doesn't match, it's an error. if (HashWord(UserEntry) != AnswerHash[i] && UserEntry.length > 0) { ErrorsFound++; ChangeWordStyle(i, "ecw-box ecw-boxerror_unsel"); } } // If they can only check once, disable things prematurely. if ( OnlyCheckOnce ) { CrosswordFinished = true; document.getElementById("checkbutton").style.display = "none"; } // If errors were found, just exit now. if (ErrorsFound > 0 && EmptyFound > 0) document.getElementById("welcomemessage").innerHTML = ErrorsFound + (ErrorsFound > 1 ? " ошибок" : " ошибок") + " и " + EmptyFound + (EmptyFound > 1 ? " слов еще не" : " слов еще не") + " разгаданы."; else if (ErrorsFound > 0) document.getElementById("welcomemessage").innerHTML = ErrorsFound + (ErrorsFound > 1 ? " errors were" : " error was") + " found."; else if (EmptyFound > 0) document.getElementById("welcomemessage").innerHTML = "Нет ошибок, но " + EmptyFound + (EmptyFound > 1 ? " слов(а) осталось разгадать" : " слов(а) осталось разгадать") + " ."; if (ErrorsFound + EmptyFound > 0) { document.getElementById("welcomemessage").style.display = ""; return; } // They finished the puzzle! CrosswordFinished = true; document.getElementById("checkbutton").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("congratulations").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("welcomemessage").style.display = "none"; } // Called when the "cheat" link is clicked. function CheatClick() { if (CrosswordFinished) return; var OldWord = CurrentWord; document.getElementById("wordentry").value = Word[CurrentWord]; OKClick(); ChangeWordStyle(OldWord, "ecw-box ecw-boxcheated_unsel"); } // Returns a one-way hash for a word. function HashWord(Word) { var x = (Word.charCodeAt(0) * 719) % 1138; var Hash = 837; var i; for (i = 1; i <= Word.length; i++) Hash = (Hash * i + 5 + (Word.charCodeAt(i - 1) - 64) * x) % 98503; return Hash; } //-->